viernes, 23 de noviembre de 2018

Chilean Rap

Drawing of 68 Chilean rappers.
Hello my dears friends... Today I Talk about Chilean Rap. 

To star is neccesary talk about of history of rap in Chile. This date from years 80 to Today. The rap is a part of Hip-Hop Culture beside others part such as Dj's, B-boys, and Graffitis. These parts make up the "Four Branches of Hip-Hop". 

In Chile, during the decade of 80, the rap begin take great popularity.  Initially with the breakdance and b-boy's in the Santiago city. 

B-boys doing Breakdance.
At end of this decade begin to appear the first group of Chilean Rap. Groupings lika a "Los marginales" or "Panteras Negras", were pioneers of Chilean Rap, and help to appear to others group, lika a Pozze Latina, Tiro de Gracia, De Kiruza, or Makiza, who formed the called Old School of Chilean Rap. 

This school or spectrum the Chilean Rap, hat the great success, and they got create to Culture of Hip Hop in Chile. 

The Chilean Rap group "Makiza".

After some years donde the Chilean Rap lived a kind of stagnation, in decade of 2010's has been a resurgence of Chilean Rap, and they have appeared great groups of rap, like a Mente Sabia, Salvaje Decibel, Adickta Sinfonia, among others. Which have been able to position the Rap in the important part of Chilean Society. 

As much as that to this day, we have big events of rap, like a "Planeta Rock", "El sur es Hardcore", "God Level", etc. 

2 comentarios:

  1. I like the way you use pictures in your posts!
    I'll try to listen to more chilean rap
