viernes, 30 de noviembre de 2018

Summer Holidays

Really I not think much in next summer holidays.

The University life is very fast and uncontrolled. In this sense, I have time only for University. For this reason, the summer holidays they do not have space in my mind.

But when I think in this, I believe it will be quiet days. Because I need work at the end of December and all of January, for have enough money for travel or visit different places in February.

Fortunately I work in a liquor store net to my house. And the owners of that liquor store they are my uncles. For that I think it will be quiet days.

Obviously I like a going to different places, for especially at South of Chile. Previous summer I traveled to South of Chile, but sole reach up to Chiloe. Those summers were much moved, with many trips, and few moments to rest.

For That I like this summer be quiet. And I think I like to going to Torres Del Paine some days with my partner and a few friends. And I know different places in Torres Del Paine; I like to do trekking for the mountain, and happen some days in peace and tranquility. 
Also that, I like training the majority part of summer, play football with my friends or to practice Martial Arts because in the rest of year the time is very short to practice a different sport or other activities.

viernes, 23 de noviembre de 2018

Chilean Rap

Drawing of 68 Chilean rappers.
Hello my dears friends... Today I Talk about Chilean Rap. 

To star is neccesary talk about of history of rap in Chile. This date from years 80 to Today. The rap is a part of Hip-Hop Culture beside others part such as Dj's, B-boys, and Graffitis. These parts make up the "Four Branches of Hip-Hop". 

In Chile, during the decade of 80, the rap begin take great popularity.  Initially with the breakdance and b-boy's in the Santiago city. 

B-boys doing Breakdance.
At end of this decade begin to appear the first group of Chilean Rap. Groupings lika a "Los marginales" or "Panteras Negras", were pioneers of Chilean Rap, and help to appear to others group, lika a Pozze Latina, Tiro de Gracia, De Kiruza, or Makiza, who formed the called Old School of Chilean Rap. 

This school or spectrum the Chilean Rap, hat the great success, and they got create to Culture of Hip Hop in Chile. 

The Chilean Rap group "Makiza".

After some years donde the Chilean Rap lived a kind of stagnation, in decade of 2010's has been a resurgence of Chilean Rap, and they have appeared great groups of rap, like a Mente Sabia, Salvaje Decibel, Adickta Sinfonia, among others. Which have been able to position the Rap in the important part of Chilean Society. 

As much as that to this day, we have big events of rap, like a "Planeta Rock", "El sur es Hardcore", "God Level", etc. 

jueves, 22 de noviembre de 2018

Post 6: Post Graduate Studies.

When thinking in the about of my postgraduate studies, I see a cloudy future. Because I don't have anything safe yet. But I'm optimistic, and think I'll be able to ocntinue my studies and specialize in the topics that I like the most.

That's why I would like to take a postgraduate course, which will develop themes about sports or football. This themes are my main interest, and I would like to develop in this space.

Finding out about the posibilities of a postgraduate course related to football, I found the option to travel to Spain and do a postgraduate course called "Sports Anthropology", at the University of Madrid.

Unfortunately sport and football is a sunject that has not been developed enough, much less in Chile, and that is why there are few postgraduate courses related to these topics. Because of this it is necessary to search well where to develop these themes. 

In this sense, I will try to learn everything related to anthropology and sports, especially football, to generate a deeper knowledge of what football and sport generates and produces in different societies.

In the future I would like to create an own postgraduate course in Football Anthropology, so that people who are interested in these topics can be trained in Chile and not have to go to another country to complete the course.